Scanning with the TWAIN Interface from PaperPort92 DocuMate 252 Scanner User’s Guide2. If the AutoScan feature is turned on, scanning begins.If the AutoScan feature is not turned on, click the Scan button.The scanner starts scanning and a progress box shows theimage.If you’re using PaperPort to scan and its Create single pageitems check box is selected, all pages in the AutomaticDocument Feeder are scanned, the TWAIN interface closes,and each page is placed on the PaperPort Desktop as anindividual file.If PaperPort’s Create single page items check box is notselected, the scanned pages are not placed on the PaperPortdesktop until you indicate the scanning job is finished byclicking Done on the TWAIN interface then clicking Done onthe PaperPort-Scan window.3. If you are scanning multiple pages, click the Done button onthe TWAIN interface, and if you are using PaperPort click Doneon the PaperPort-Scan window.If you are scanning a single page, the TWAIN interface closesautomatically.When scanning is complete, the scanned images appear in theTWAIN software. This example shows a thumbnail image of ascanned page on the PaperPort Desktop.A thumbnail image of thescanned item appears onthe PaperPort desktop.The small icon representsthe file format, in this casethe .pdf format.