Scanning32 DocuMate 252 Scanner User’s GuideConfiguring the One Touch ButtonsEach One Touch button configuration consists of a DestinationApplication, a Scan Configuration, and a Document Format.The One Touch Properties window is where you select these threeelements for a button.To open the One Touch Properties window:1. Click the One Touch icon. It is located in the WindowsNotification Area at the bottom right corner of the screen.2. Right-click a button on the One Touch Button Panel.REMINDER: Remember that left-clicking a button on the OneTouch Button Panel starts the scanner scanning. Right-clickingopens the One Touch Properties window.The One Touch Properties window opens for that button.The One Touch Properties window also opens when you press,hold down, and release the Simplex or Duplex button on thescanner.About the One Touch Properties WindowThe One Touch Properties window is where you can select newsettings for the buttons. The One Touch Properties window alsocontains special scanning features such as scanning and burn to aCD, scanning and converting text directly into an HTML web page,and scanning with optical character recognition (OCR) that turns ascanned image into text that you can edit.Right-click on a button (for example,button 2) and the Properties windowopens for that button.