Scanning44 DocuMate 252 Scanner User’s GuideImage FormatsSelect an image file format for photos, artwork or other documentsthat you want to save as images. BMP and TIFF are standardimage file formats generally used if you want to do additional imageprocessing, such as photo touch-up or color correction. Both ofthose file formats tend to be larger than the JPEG format.Because JPEG image files can be reduced in size, the JPEGformat is often used for images on web pages, or if file size mightbe a problem when electronically sending the files. JPEG files arereduced in size by lowering their image quality, and you can selectthe degree of quality for your scanned images from the JPEG pageformat icon.The PDF format is often used to create images of text pages. Youmay want to select PDF as the page format when scanning textpages that do not require OCR processing or other processing.The PDF format is also used to put multi-page documents on websites as pdf-readable files. As with the JPEG option, the PDFformat can be reduced in size or quality.To select a JPEG or PDF file size:1. Select JPG or PDF as the page format.2. Right-click on the JPG or PDF icon.A menu opens.NOTE: The two other PDF formats—nPDF and sPDF—are forscanning with OCR processing and with the ability to search thescanned text. See the next section, “Text Formats,” and also“Scanning with sPDF or nPDF and Searching for Text” onpage 71 for details.