TC9349AFG2006-02-2420Machine Language (16 Bits)InstructionSetMnemonic SkipFunction Function Operation IC(6 Bits)A(2 Bits)B(4 Bits)C(4 Bits)LD r, M* Load memory togeneral register r ← (M*) 0101 DR*(4 bits) DC RNST M*, r Store memory togeneral register M* ← (r) 0110 DR*(4 bits) DC RNMVSR M1, M2Move memory tomemory in samerow(DR, DC1) ← (DR,DC2) 001111 DR DC1 DC2MVIM M, I Move immediatedata to memory M ← I 000111 DR DC IMVGD r, MMove memory todestination memoryreferring toG-register andgeneral register[(G), (r)] ← (M) 011110 DR DC RNMVGS M, rMove sourcememory referring toG-register andgeneral register tomemory(M) ← [(G), (r)] 011111 DR DC RNSTIG I* Move immediatedata to G-register G ← I* 111111 I* 0010Transfer instructionMVARMove DATA registerdata to DALaddress registerAR← (DATA) 111111 ⎯ ⎯ 1001IN1 M, C Input IN1 port datato memory M ← [IN1] C 111000 DR DC CNOUT1 M, COutput contents ofmemory to OUT1port[OUT1] C ← (M) 111011 DR DC CNIN2 M, C Input IN2 port datato memory M ← [IN2] C 111001 DR DC CNOUT2 M, COutput contents ofmemory to OUT2port[OUT2] C ← (M) 111100 DR DC CNIN3 M, C Input IN3 port datato memory M ← [IN3] C 111010 DR DC CNI/O instructionOUT3 M, COutput contents ofmemory to OUT3port[OUT3] C ← (M) 111101 DR DC CNORR r, MLogical OR ofgeneral register andmemoryr ← (r) ∨ (M) 001100 DR DC RNANDR r, MLogical AND ofgeneral register andmemoryr ← (r) ∧ (M) 001101 DR DC RNORIM M, ILogical OR ofmemory andimmediate dataM ← (M) ∨ I 000100 DR DC IANIM M, ILogical AND ofmemory andimmediate dataM ← (M) ∧ I 000101 DR DC IXORIM M, ILogical exclusiveOR of memory andimmediate dataM ← (M) ∀ I 000110 DR DC ILogical Operation instructionXORR r, MLogical exclusiveOR of generalregister andmemoryr ← (r) ∀ (M) 001110 DR DC RN