6F8C0845 205DAppendix D Definitions of the FunctionBlock for Slave Data Input/OutputD.1 Allocation Confirmation Function Block(1) Definitions of Variables(*===================================================DeviceNet FB Parameter Setting (Allocation Confirmation)===================================================*)VAR_INPUTREQ: BOOL; (*Execution request input*)CH: WORD; (*Channel specify*)UNIT: WORD; (*Unit specify*)SLOT: WORD; (*Slot specify*)NODE: UINT; (*Node address*)END_VARVAR_OUTPUTDONE: BOOL; (*Completion output*)ERR: BOOL; (*Error output*)STATUS: WORD; (*Completion status*)BS__ADD: WORD; (*BS input data top address*)BS_N: UINT; (*Number of BS input data words*)RPOL_ADD: WORD; (*Polling input data top address*)RPOL_N: UINT; (*Number of polling input data words*)WPOL_ADD: WORD; (*Polling output data top address*)WPOL_N: UINT; (*Number of polling output data words*)END_VARVAR_EXTERNALUINTADD: UINT; (*UINT data*)WORDADD: WORD; (*WORD data*)UINTDAT1: UINT; (*UINT data*)WORDDAT1: WORD; (*WORD data*)UINTDAT2: UINT; (*UINT data*)WORDDAT2: WORD; (*WORD data*)UINTDAT3: UINT; (*UINT data*)WORDDAT3: WORD; (*WORD data*)SW: ARRAY[0...511] OF INT; (*SW register INT access*)END_VARVARSLOTNO: WORD; (*R/W slot number*)TMP_CH: WORD; (*R/W channel number*)TMP_UNIT: WORD; (*R/W unit number*)TMP_CHUNIT: WORD; (*R/W channel/slot numbers*)