Functions6.9 [2.10] Settings > Correction of cross-interferencesOperating with the Local User InterfaceOperating Manual, 06/2017, A5E31930478-05 1696.9.6 OXYMAT Assigning correction of cross-interference with a constantProcedure with OXYMAT 71. Component > Main menu > "2. Settings" > "10. Correction of cross-interference" > "2Constant"2. Enable/disable correction of cross-interference: "Correction of cross-interference"parameter field.Authorize access with corresponding PIN, if necessary.3. Enter interference gas concentration already known: "Interference gas concentration"parameter field.4. Define the coefficient.NoteOperator control optionsRefer to the coefficients stored in the device-internal reference table or enter a coefficientmanually.Using the coefficients of the reference table:– Select the interference gas you want to correct: "Interference gas reference table"parameter field.The editing window includes all gases for which a correction coefficient is available inthe reference table.– Select the corresponding gas.The selected coefficient is displayed in the "Coefficient" display.Using manually specified coefficient:– "Interference gas reference table" parameter field: Set "User-defined" value.– Enter coefficient already known manually: "Coefficient" parameter field.5. Only with activated process tag switchover: Change the process tag assignment.– Check the displayed process tag assignment.– "Process tag" > "Change" parameter field.The displayed editing window includes all available process tags.– Activate the corresponding process tags that are to be integrated into the correction ofcross-interference. Deactivate process tags that are not used.6. Enabling/disabling all corrections of cross-interferences (Page 179).