2-12Setting the Operating and System Conditions2[11] Extension functionsThe extension function has crosshair cursor display and manual display functions.(1) Crosshair cursor displayThe crosshair cursor can be displayed on any position.- "1" equals a 16-pixel line. "2" equals a full line.- The initial coordinates of the crosshair cursor center are (256, 240).Operation procedure1. On the "TYPE RUN COND" screen,move the cursor to item" EXTENSION FUNC." using theup and down keys, and press theSET key.2. Select "DISPLAY+CURSOR" on thepopup menu and press the SETkey.3. Press the SET key on the" DISPLAY+CURSOR 1" line andselect "1" or "2" on the popup menu.Then press the SET key.4. Select " CROSS CURSORCOORD" and press the SET key.Now, the crosshair appear on thescreen. Move the crosshair cursorusing the up/down/left/right arrowkeys. (It moves one pixel at a time)5. When the cursor is positionedwhere you want it, press the SETkey to confirm the position.If you select " DISPLAY+CURSOR 2," youcan display two cursors when you outputmonitor images from Cameras 1 and 2. 1MONITOR OUTPUT CAM12CAPTURE IMG PARTIAL-IMG3MESSAGE DISPLAY YES(NUMERIC)4PATTERN DISPLAY YES5SHOW BINARY IMG YES6SHOW FIX IMG YES7OPS MAIN DISP YES8DISP CHG-EVAL NO9PC-MNTR NO0THROUGH DISPLAY NOqEXTENSION FUNC. DISPLAY+CURSORwDISPLAY+CURSOR 1eCLOSS CURSOR COORD SETrDISPLAY+CURSOR 2 NOTYPE RUN COND SCREEN SAVE COLOR F C1 BRTSET=SELECT A MENU ESC=BACK SEL=CHNG IMG TRG=FUNC(TYPE00)AREA1MEAS ms 2002-10-14 10:38MEASURE 0 CAM1 POSI DEVIATIONMNU-CHG MAIN-COND CHG-MEA COND-CHG CHNG-REG SCREEN-CHG CHG-TYPE[Display example]Measurement image ofcamera 1.Measurement image ofcamera 2.Displays two crosshair cursors.