12-5Color Unevenness Inspection12MEAS AREASpecify a search area.When "RECTANGLE" is selectedSpecify the upper left and lower rightcorners of the rectangular search area.When "CIRCLE" is selectedSpecify the center and the radius.When "ELLIPSE" is selectedSpecify the center and the radius.BINARY NOISE FILTERSelect a binary noise filter type. Move the cursor to "NO," "EXPD. CONTR." (expansioncontraction), or "CONTR. EXPD" (contraction expansion), and press the SET key tocontinue.For details, see page 3-24.NUM.OF FILT PASSEnter number of times of eliminating noise.BOUNDARY PROCESSSelect whether objects crossing the boundary of the window will be "VALID" or "INVALID."Note: This item is not displayed unless "BOUNDARY PROCESS" is selected on "DETAIL" onthe upper function menu.For details, see page 3-22.AREA FILTERThis function is used to exclude an object from measurement if its area is outside of the upper orlower limits. Specify a number from 0 to 245760.Note: This item is not displayed unless "AREA FILTER" is selected on "DETAIL" on the upperfunction menu.RadiusCenterCenterRadiusUP.LLO.R