11-6Color Evaluation11Set the evaluation conditionsHow to move to the evaluation condition setting screenThere are two methods for getting to the evaluation condition setting screen.1) Select "COND" in the upper function menu onthe MEAS COND (or REG COND) screen andpress the SET key. Select "EVALUATION" onthe pop up menu to go to the EVALUAT CONDscreen.2) Move the cursor to the "EVALUATION COND"item on the menu tree screen and press theSET key.The "EVALUAT COND" (evaluation conditions)screen will appear.For details about the evaluation conditions,see page 3-28.1WINDOW NORMAL2REGISTER NO. 0 (0 7)3REGISTER EXIST YESREGISTER NO.4BIN AREA CONDEXTRACT COLOR=SELECT A MENU ESC=BACK SEL=CHNG IMG TRG=FUNCCOLOR F C1 BRTMEA-CND SCREEN COND SAVEREG CONDEVALUATIONNUM-CALCOUT151413121110090807060504030201001REGISTER NO. 0 (0 7) [TEST RESULT] [OUTPUT]2CONDITION SET AUTO (±10%)3AREA 000. 0 245760 A= NO4HUE (AVG) 000. 0 359.9 H= NO5CHROMA (AVG) 000.0 255.0 S= NO6DEG-MATCH OF COL -10000 +10000 CM= NO7TEST EXEC (WITH-POSI. ADJ WITHOUT-POSI. ADJ)=VALUE INPUT ESC=BACK SEL=CHNG IMG TRG=FUNCCOLOR F C1 BRTEVALUAT COND SCREEN COND SAVE EDIT SELOBJECT TYPE CONDTYPE00TYPE RUN CONDIMAGE-ADJMEA-CND(CAMERA1)MEAS(NEW)MEA-CND(CAMERA2)FINAL NUM. CALCFINAL OUTPUT CONDOBJ-TYPE I/OOBJ-TYPE SYS.1REGISTER NO.2CONDITION SET3AREA4HUE (AVG)5CHROMA (AVG)6DEG-MATCH OF COL7TESTSELECT OBJECT TYPE COND=TO NEXT SUB-MENU ESC=BACK SEL=CHNG IMG TRG=POPUP