3Some simple rules to remember:• Any steady LED indicates the line or feature is in use.• A fast flashing green LED indicates a new call ringing in.• A slow flashing green or red LED indicates a call is on hold.• A slow flashing amber LED indicates a recall to your keyset.SPEAKERPHONEAll ITP keysets are speakerphones. Pressing the SEND button will answer anincoming call on the speakerphone. Pressing the END button will release the callon the speakerphone.Switching from the handset to the speakerphone is easy. Simply press the SPEAK-ER button and hang up the handset.VOLUME CONTROLSThe ITP-5021D keyset uses the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the ringer volumewhile the keyset is ringing, the speaker volume while the speakerphone is in useand the handset volume while you are listening. These three levels will be storedin memory until changed. If background music is turned on at your keyset, the vol-ume buttons will also control the level of music. The volume of pages heardthrough the speaker of a keyset can be adjusted during a page announcement byusing the volume buttons.There are 16 levels for each volume setting.The volumeof off-hook ring is controlled by a user-programmable setting.TERMINAL STATUS INDICATORThe terminal status indicator light is positioned on the top right corner of the key-set above the display. The terminal status indicator is a tri-colored (red, green, andamber) light that provides greater visibility of your keysets status than the indi-vidual button LEDs. The terminal status indicator provides the following indica-tions:• Busy/Off Hook Steady Red• Intercom Ring Flashing Red• Outside Call Ring Flashing Green• Recall Ring Flashing Amber• Message Waiting Flashing Red• Do Not Disturb Fast Flash Red at 1 Second Intervals2THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOWUSER ORIENTATIONThe ITP model telephones are called IP keysets.The IP keyset incorporates buttonsor “keys” that are used to access or activate the many features of your office phonesystem. The ITP-5021D keyset incorporates 21 programmable buttons. These 21buttons are arranged in three rows of seven across the face of the keyset. Any ofthe system features or functions can be programmed to these buttons.The three buttons above the top row of programmable buttons are soft keys.These buttons assist in the use of the system features and functions.Lines from the telephone company are “C.O. lines.” Calls on these lines are referredto as “outside calls.”Your system can have individual C.O. line keys or lines may beassigned to groups. When they are in a group, you access a line by dialing anaccess code or pressing a route button. For example, dial 9 or press a “LOCAL” but-ton to get a local outside line. If Least Cost Routing is used, pressing the “LCR” but-ton will automatically select a preprogrammed C.O. line according to what digitsare dialed. Each line in the system is numbered, beginning with 701, then 702, 703,etc.Direct Station Selection (DSS) buttons are programmed to ring specific stations.You can press a DSS button instead of dialing the extension number.CALL INDICATIONSThe buttons on your phone have light emitting diodes (LEDs).These are tri-coloredLEDs that light green, red or amber (green and red together).Intercom calls, also called internal calls, always appear on your CALL buttons. Theywill always light green.You can have up to eight CALL buttons, but at least two arerecommended.Outside calls appear on individual line buttons if they are assigned. When an indi-vidual line is not assigned to its own button, it will appear on a CALL button.Your outside calls will light green on your keyset and red on other keysets. Younever lose sight of your calls while they are on hold.They stay right where you putthem and are identified with a green flashing light.