PERSONAL ADMINISTRATION SETTINGSThis menu allows you to make changes to basic setup settings, that are rarelychanged. Use these when you initially set up your personal Subscriber settings.You probably will not need to change them after that.1 Setting your Password■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][1].■ The current password will be played and you will have the chance tochange it.2 Recording your NameUse this option to record your name. Your recorded name is played in severaldifferent situations. It is important to record your name for proper operationof the SVMi E-Series system.■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][2].■ The current name will be played and you will have the chance to changeit.Note: It is possible that if you do not record your name and/or enter yourDirectory Name (described below), you will not be included in the Dial byName Directory.3 Entering your Directory NameUse this option to enter your Directory Name.Your Directory Name is used bycallers to find you if they do not know your extension number.■ From the Subscriber Services Menu press [#][7][3].■ The current Directory Name will be played as a string of digits that areequal to your name spelled out on your telephone keypad. Follow theinstructions to enter a new name.You will be prompted to enter your lastname and then your first name.This must be done in order for the directory feature to work correctly.Note: It is possible that if you do not record your name (described above)and/or enter your Directory Name, you will not be included in the Dial byName Directory.4 Extended PromptingUse this option to drastically reduce the number of prompts played in thesubscriber interface (mailbox prompts). Change this setting only if you arevery familiar with the user operation of the SVMi E-Series.8786#PERSONAL SERVICESThe Personal Administration Menu is used to set your password and record yourname. Many of these features must be allowed by the System Administrator.1 Workload ManagementAllows you to access to all reminders, both Active and Pending. If authorizedyou can group your reminders as Commitments, Follow-Ups or Tasks for bet-ter organization. The system will flag each reminder as Active or Pending(pending means scheduled for future delivery).2 Stored NumbersAllows you to enter up to 9 stored phone numbers. The first five of these areused in the 'Find Me' feature, but any of them (1-9) can be easily dialed usingonly one digit followed by the pound key, to be used by many other featuresfrom within your subscriber space. (ie: “Follow Me, “Message Alert”, “PagerAlert”, and “Direct Call”).3 Schedule AvailabilityAllows you to enter a weekly availability schedule for use with Night PersonalGreeting and the Auto Night Intercept feature. Follow the spoken directionsto enter the days of the week and times you are generally available to talk toyour callers. All other times you will be considered unavailable.5 Place a Direct CallAllows you to place a direct call out of the SVMi E-Series from anywhere. Youmay either dial the number or dial a single digit 1-5 that corresponds to astored number (See Personal Services, 2 - Stored Numbers). This feature mustbe authorized by the System Administrator and can be limited or opened tointernal, local, and long distance calls.7 Personal AdministrationThis area is used during the initial set up of your Subscriber Settings (see nextsection).