4. Press TRSF to store and exitprogramming OR press SPK to storeand advance to the next programNOTE: Directory information is always 11 characters.DEFAULT DATA: NONENames are written using the keypad. Each press of a key will select a character.Pressing the dial pad key moves the cursor to the next position. For example, if thedirectory name is “SAM SMITH,” press the number “7” three times to get the letter“S.” Press the number “2” once to get the letter “A.” Continue selecting charactersfrom the table below to complete your message. Press the “A” key to change theletter from upper case to lower case.NOTE: When the character you want appears on the same dial pad key as does theprevious character, press the UP key to move the cursor to the right.DCS KEYSETSCOUNT 1 2 3 4 5DIAL 0 Q Z . ) 0DIAL 1 space ? , ! 1DIAL 2 A B C @ 2DIAL 3 D E F # 3DIAL 4 G H I $ 4DIAL 5 J K L % 5DIAL 6 M N O ^ 6DIAL 7 P R S & 7DIAL 8 T U V Q 8DIAL 9 W X Y ( 9DIAL 4 : = [ ] 4The # key can be used for the following special characters: #, space, &, !, :, ?, ., %, $, -, /, =, [, ], @, ^, (, ), _, +, {, }, |, ;, \,“ and ~.14132. Dial the station number OR use the [205] PASSCODEUP and DOWN keys to scroll through PASSCODE:4444the keyset numbers and press theright soft key to move the cursor right3. Press HOLD to reset the passcode [205] PASSCODEPASSCODE : 12344. Press the right soft key to return tostep 2 OR press TRSF to store and exitprogramming OR press SPK tostore and advance to the next programDEFAULT DATA: ALL STATION PASSCODES = 1234PROGRAM STATION NAMESThis program is used to assign a character name or identification for each exten-sion. You may assign a name of 11 characters long.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN - Used to scroll and move cursor.KEYPAD - Used to enter characters.HOLD - Press to clear entry.Open customer programming and follow the instructions below.ACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF and then dial 104 [201] STN NAMEDisplay shows2. Dial station number (e.g., 205) [205] STN NAMEOR press UP or DOWN to select thestation and press the right soft key tomove the cursor3. Enter the station name using the [205] STN NAMEprocedure described on the next page SAM SMITHand press the right soft key to return tostep 2