5SCROLL BUTTON ASSEMBLYThe scroll button is actually a type of thumbwheel assembly. You may use it toscroll through the station screens. Rolling the SCROLL BUTTON DOWN (towardsthe navigation button) will advance you through the multiple STATION FIXEDFEATURE and STATION PROGRAMMABLE button screens. Rolling the SCROLLBUTTON UP (towards the station display) will bring the cursor back towards theMain Screen. By scrolling up or down, you cause the cursor to move back and forththrough the screens in the same manner as the UP/DOWN arrows on the topSELECT BUTTONS work.NAVIGATION BUTTONThe 5012L keysets incorporate a Navigation Button. This button is designed toassist the user in activating and using various station features, more easily. Thesefeatures include Outgoing Call Log, Incoming Call Log, Speed Number Search, CallForward Assign and Alarm Assign.With the NAVIGATION BUTTON, the station user is no longer required to enterstation level programming to activate these frequently used features. A few but-ton presses and these features are activated.The NAVIGATION BUTTON is divided into separate feature buttons. These but-tons are described below.• MENU BUTTON: This button displays the station feature main menu, which isconfigured in icons, so that the users can easily utilize various settings andhelpful functions.• SEND BUTTON: If the station is programmed for Enblock Dial Mode, whendialing an outside telephone number or internal station number, you mustpress the SEND button to initiate the call. This button is also used whenreviewing recently received or called numbers and answering incoming calls.When reviewing recently received calls, continue to press the SEND button formore than 2 seconds and the last outside number called will be redialed.The SEND button operates as the ANS portion of the ANS/RLS button. AnANS/RLS button may be assigned to the station as a programmable button.• ENTER BUTTON: This button is used to select a menu option, or to savechanges made to a menu or submenu option.• DIRECTION BUTTON: The DIRECTION BUTTON is the donut shaped ring,which surrounds the ENTER button.This button is used to navigate within themenus. There are directional arrows stenciled into this button, which indicatewhich direction the cursor will be moved.4SCREEN BUTTONThe 5012L incorporates a SCREEN button. This button allows you to choose yourkeyset’s idle screen display. The default is CALENDAR. The options are STATIONFIXED FEATURE buttons (two levels), or STATION PROGRAMMABLE buttons(ten levels).NOTE:From the default CALENDAR screen:• Press the SCREEN button once to access the STATION PROGRAMMABLEBUTTON SCREEN #1. Press the DOWN arrow associated with the top left softkey and you will advance to STATION PROGRAMMABLE SCREEN #2. Eachadditional press of the DOWN arrow will advance you through the screens,until you reach SCREEN #10. Press the UP arrow associated with the top leftsoft key to return to the previous screen. Each additional press of the UP but-ton will move you back towards the main screen.• Press the SCREEN button twice to access the STATION FIXED FEATURESCREEN #1. Press the DOWN arrow associated with the top left soft key andyou will advance to SCREEN #2.CONFERENCE BUTTONThe CONFERENCE button allows the user to set up a call with up to five parties(station or trunk).TRANSFER BUTTONTRANSFER is used to send any call to another extension in one of two ways. Youcan do a screened transfer by informing the other extension who is calling or youcan do a blind transfer without notification.HOLD BUTTONThe HOLD button maintains the call at your keyset, while enabling you to callother stations or consult coworkers in confidence.SPEAKER BUTTONThe SPEAKER button allows you to have a conversation from the keyset withoutlifting the handset.