SAMSUNG SYSTEM CONFIGURATION:QUICK REFERENCECOMBINED SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING MANUAL FEBRUARY 20042–172.3 System Configuration: Quick ReferenceDescription DCS Compact I Compact II 816 408/408i iDCS500 * iDCS100 OS500 *AA card port numbers 3951–8 3951–6 381–6 1 381–4 N/A 3951–8 381–6 1 3951–8AA Translation Tables max.entries100(tables 1 & 2)100(tables 1 & 2)100(tables 1 & 2)50(tables 1 & 2)N/A 100(tables 1–12)100(tables 1–12)100(tables 1–12)Account codes (number of) 500 250 200 200 100 999 (500) 500 999Authorisation codes (no. of) 250 100 100 30 10 500 (250) 250 500BGM port numbers 3701–3719 371–2 371–2 371–2 371 3701–3706 371–2 371–3CALL keys (max.) 8 8 5 4 2 8 8 8Classes of Service (COS) 30 30 30 10 4 30 30 30CLIP Translation Table max.entries250 250 200 200 408=N/A408i=1001500 (400) 350 2000 (1000)Daughterboards (keyset) KSU Any DLI Motherboard N/A N/A Any 8DLI Motherboard Any 8DLIDDI Translation Table max.entries200 200 200 50 408=N/A408i=20999 (400) 500 2000 (1000)DECT ports (no. of) 48 24 24 N/A N/A 192 (48) 24 192 (48)LCR Digit Table max.entries500 500 500 300 100 2000 (1000) 1000 2000MOH port numbers 3701–3719 371–2 371–2 371–2 371 3701–3706 371–2 371–3Operator Groups (part ofStation Group) (no. of)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Operator Group members(sequential / distributed ring)32 30 30 16 8 48 32 32Operator Group members(unconditional ring)32 30 10 16 8 32 32 32Page zones (no. of internal) 4 4 4 4 2 5 5 4