-42-CONTINUOUS : Zoom control is always performed.This is the factory default setting.(6) Configuring the Tracking Time Setting (AUTORELEASE)Use this setting to specify a time after which autotracking should be forced to terminate after it starts.The camera stops at the position it is in at the point thetracking time is exceeded. If SELF RETURN is set, thenafter the AUTO RELEASE time is up the SELF RETURNtime starts counting down and AUTO operation startsagain.1. Move the cursor to AUTO RELEASE and then tilt thejoystick left or right to specify a tracking time.Tilting the joystick cycles through tracking time set-tings in the sequence shown below. (unit: sec, min)The factory default setting is OFF.(7) Configuring the Lost Target Setting (LOSTMODE)1. Move the cursor to LOST MODE and then tilt thejoystick left or right to select the operation thatshould be performed when a target is lost.STOP : Stops at the position where thetarget is lost.RESEACH : When the target is lost, checks atthe current position for movementand continues auto tracking ifmovement is detected.ZOOM-OUT : When the target is lost, slightlywidens the view angle and checksif movement can be newly detect-ed. Auto tracking is continued ifmovement is detected.This is the factory default setting.(8) Configuring the Alarm Setting (ALARM)1. Move the cursor to ALARM and then tilt the joystickleft or right to toggle the alarm on and off.OFF : No alarm outputThis is the factory default setting.ON : Alarm is output continuously during autotracking.(Alarm is output to the video output cableat 5 second intervals.)CONT : Alarm is output once after auto trackingcontinues for a preset amount of time.Tilting the joystick cycles through settingsin the sequence shown below.AREA : The alarm is output once only when thetarget enters a preset prohibited areawhile it is being tracked. For details aboutprohibited areas, see the AREA SET set-ting on this page.Note: You need to set the alarm setting (page 44)to output an auto tracking associated alarm fromthe external alarm terminal 1 to an outsidedestination. Display the setup menu, and selectALARM for the CNT-CLS1 setting. And, if it is ON,an alarm signal is always output regardless of the"TIME OUT" setting.(9) Configuring Area Settings (AREA SET)This setting lets you mask a specific area of the screenwhere you do not want movement detected. This helpsto reduce the chance of detection error. This settingalso can be used to specify areas that are alarm-prohibited when AREA is selected for the alarm setting.Up to a maximum of eight masked and prohibitedareas can be specified.1. Move the cursor to AREA SET O and then pressthe camera (set) button.This will display the area setting screen.2. Configure the area settings.For details about configuring area settings, seesteps 3 through 10 under "Privacy Zone Settings"(page 38).3. Move the cursor to MODE, and then tilt the joystickleft or right to select an area function setting.MASK : Specifies that the area is detection masked.This is the factory default setting.ALARM : Specifies that the area is a prohibitedarea.Notes:• Detection area masks can be used to reducedetection error when there are moving trees,vehicular traffic, water (which can cause reflection),and similar items that are in the area beingmonitored (on screen).• Detection masks and prohibited areas cannot beconfigured individually for each preset position.Configured areas are applied to all preset positions.• The prohibited area function sounds the alarm onlywhen something enters a prohibited area whiletracking is being done. The alarm does not sound ifthe object being tracked is in the prohibited areawhen auto-tracking starts.Important: Auto tracking continues to be performed ifthe target being auto tracked moves into a detectionmask area. Note that area masks do not work undersuch conditions.OFF↔10S↔20S↔30S↔40S↔50S↔1MIN↔2MIN↔3MIN↔5MIN↔10MINPUSH SETPUSH SETMASK•••I•••128- +** ZONE NUMBER 1*/8**PAN/TILTZOOM/FOCUSMODEZONE SCALESET DELRET TOP1S ↔ 10S ↔ 30S ↔ 1MIN ↔ 3MIN ↔ 5MIN