8.1 When another incoming call is received - main monitorWhen another incoming call is received from a doorphone or camera while talking, monitoring, or receiving an incomingcall with the main monitor, the ringtone sounds and notifications are received in the following manner.Example: When there is anincoming call from doorphone 2while talking with doorphone 1.Example: When there are incomingcalls from doorphone 1 and camera2 while monitoring with camera 1.Example: When there is anincoming call from a doorphone orcamera during intercom calls.ABヒ ヒヒヒC DAヒリㄏㄕㄆㄓㄐㄎチㄍㄍンㄆㄆㄊㄗㄆㄓチㄗㄐㄍㄖㄎㄆEMain screenDoorphone button indicating that there is a new incoming call (the example shows an incoming call from doorphone2)– By touching this button, you can display the image from the incoming call in the main screen.Camera button indicating that there is a new incoming call (the example shows an incoming call from camera 2)– By touching this button, you can display the image from the incoming call in the main screen.Sub screen indicating that there is a new incoming call (the example shows an incoming call from doorphone 1)– By touching the sub screen, you can display the image from the sub screen in the main screen.Incoming call notification buttonCurrent action New incomingcall from Next actionReceiving anincoming call from adoorphoneDoorphone The display changes to the new incoming call, and the previousincoming call is terminated.Camera The existing incoming call from the doorphone is displayed in themain screen and the new incoming call from the camera is displayedin the sub screen*1.R By touching the sub screen, you can switch the images displayedin the main screen and sub screen.Talking or monitoringwith a doorphoneDoorphone The number of the doorphone that the incoming call is from isdisplayed in the touch button (B).R When B is touched, the display changes to the new incoming calland the existing call or monitoring is terminated.Camera The incoming call from the camera is displayed in the sub screen*1.R When talking with the doorphone:– By touching the sub screen, you can switch the imagesdisplayed in the main screen and sub screen. (You cancontinue talking with the original call when images areswitched.)R When monitoring with the doorphone:– When the sub screen is touched, the display changes to thenew incoming call from the camera and the existing monitoringis terminated.308. . Incoming call operations8. Incoming call operations