R To talk to the visitor if the paged party does notanswer:: Touch [Talk to visitor].: Press .4.3 Monitoring the outside withthe doorphoneYou can monitor the sounds and images from thedoorphone.1 : From the top menu, touch .R When there are multiple devices displayed, touchthe number of the doorphone that you want tomonitor with (A) and then the image (B).Example: When there are both doorphones andcameras.ヵㄐㄖㄉチㄕㄉㄆチㄔㄓㄆㄆㄏチㄕㄐチㄎㄐㄏㄊㄕㄐㄓビ ヒ ビ ピ フヒヒ ヒA B: Press .R When there are multiple devices displayed:: Select the destination. ® ( )2 The images from the doorphone are displayed.R Press to speak to the monitored party.3 To end the operation, press .Features available while monitoring– Adjust wide/zoom and pan/tilt settings (®page 33)– Adjust sound and display settings (® page 33)– Record monitored images (® page 20)Note:R The sound from your end will not be heard at thedoorphone.R Monitoring time:: About 90 seconds (can be extended up to 3minutes by performing operations during monitoring): About 3 minutes4.4 Talking between the mainmonitor and the sub monitorIntercom calls between the main monitor and the submonitor can be made.– When using multiple sub monitors, you can makeintercom calls between the sub monitors.To make calls1. : From the top menu, touch .R When there are multiple devices that can beselected, select the device. To call all devices,touch [Call all together].: Press .R When there are multiple devices that can beselected:: Select the device.*1 ® ( )*1 To call all devices, select "Call all together".2. Page the other party.3. Talk with the paged party when they answer the call.4. To end the operation, press .To receive calls– This operation is the same for the main monitor andsub monitor.1. When the intercom call is received, pressto talk to the paging party.Note:R Paging automatically ends after about 30 secondsand intercom calls automatically end after about 90seconds.184. Talking/Monitoring