2.2.6 Manager FeaturesDescriptionAn extension assigned as the manager (manager extension) is allowed to use the specified features. COSprogramming determines the extensions which can use the following manager features:Feature Description & Reference ManagerPasswordManagerProgrammingManagerPasswordChangeChanges the manager password. RequiredCall ChargeManagementSets, displays, clears, and prints the callcharge data.® 1.26.3 Call Charge ServicesRequiredVerification CodePersonalIdentificationNumber (PIN) SetSets a verification code PIN for eachverification code.® 1.9.6 Verification Code EntryRequiredRemote PIN Clear Clears the extension PIN of an extensionremotely, and a verification code PIN. PINLock is also unlocked.® 1.28.1 Extension Personal IdentificationNumber (PIN)® 1.9.6 Verification Code EntryRequiredRemoteExtension DialLockSets or cancels the Extension Dial Lock onan extension remotely.® 1.9.3 Extension Dial LockRequiredDial Tone Transfer Changes the TRS/Barring level of theextension temporarily.[Example] An extension user can call amanager to release the restricted outgoingcall (e.g., international call).® 1.9.4 Dial Tone TransferNot requiredOutgoing Message (OGM) Records and plays back outgoing messages(OGMs).® 1.17.5 Outgoing Message (OGM)Not requiredTime Service Switches the time mode (day/lunch/break/night) manually.® 2.2.4 Time ServiceNot requiredBGM—External Sets the External BGM on and off.® 1.17.4 Background Music (BGM)Not required384 Feature Guide2.2.6 Manager Features