1.31 IP Proprietary Telephone (IP-PT) Features1.31.1 IP Proprietary Telephone (IP-PT)DescriptionThis PBX supports the connection of IP proprietary telephones (IP-PTs), which function almost identically tonormal PTs. However, they connect to the PBX over a Local Area Network (LAN), and send and receive callsusing Internet Protocol (IP).IP-PTs have two Ethernet ports for connection, primary and secondary. They are connected to the PBX througha network hub or other splitting device, and can have a PC connected to the secondary Ethernet port.[Connection Example]PrimaryEthernet Port SecondaryEthernet PortIP-EXTPBXPCIP-PTPrivate IPNetworkMain Office Branch OfficeIP-PTIP-PTConditions• Hardware Requirement: An IP-EXT card• IP-PT registration is required through system programming before an IP-PT can be used with the PBX. AnIP-PT cannot be used unless an extension number is assigned. For details on how to register IP-PTs, referto the Information about IP Proprietary Telephones leaflet.• The following features cannot be used with an IP-PT:– Digital XDP (® 1.11.9 Parallelled Telephone)– OHCA (® Off-hook Call Announcement (OHCA))– Using PC Phone or PC Console on a connected PC (® 1.32.2 PC Phone/PC Console)• The KX-NT265 does not have a secondary Ethernet port.• The following optional devices are available for the KX-NT300 series (except KX-NT321) IP-PT:– KX-NT307(PSLP1528) Bluetooth Module– KX-NT303 Add-on 12 Key Module (not available for KX-NT366)• KX-NT307(PSLP1528) Bluetooth ModuleA Bluetooth wireless headset can be registered to an KX-NT300 series (except KX-NT321) IP-PTcontaining the KX-NT307(PSLP1528) Bluetooth Module through personal programming. When HeadsetMode is off, the Bluetooth headset can be used to answer calls or redial. In this case, Headset Mode willturn on automatically, and will turn off after you hang up.This Bluetooth Module is also compatible with KX-DT343/KX-DT346 DPTs.• Calls made using a Bluetooth wireless headset will not be disconnected immediately when the userwanders out of range. However, if the Bluetooth wireless headset user remains out of range for a specifiedtime period, the call will be disconnected.Feature Guide 3591.31.1 IP Proprietary Telephone (IP-PT)