CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESPioneer™ Balance Service Manual 3-15 Ohaus Corporation www.ohaus.com3.3.11 Load Cell Reassembly – Precision BalancesBefore re-assembly, take the following maintenance steps:– Be sure all Flexures are straight, or replace them with new ones.Place each Flexure on a clean flat surface and check that both sides rest evenly on thesurface. If a Flexure is bent even slightly, it must be replaced. (See Figure 3-23.)– Be sure all parts are clean and free of debris.1. Adjust the black Up/Down StopScrew so the Ratio Beam canclear.2. Insert the Ratio Beam into theLoad Cell frame. (See Figure 3-36.)3. Install the Service Fixture andHanger to the frame and the RatioBeam. Hold the Hanger by handwhile inserting the two screws thatsecure the Fixture to the Hanger.Then insert the four screws thatsecure the Fixture to theFigure 3-36. Installing Ratio Beam,clearing the Up/Down Stop Screw.Load Cell frame and the Ratio Beam. (See Figures 3-38 and 3-39.)Figure 3-37. Service Fixture for 150g to410g Precision Load Cell, attached toHanger, Ratio Beam, and Load Cell frame.Figure 3-38. Service Fixture for 510g to 4100gPrecision Load Cell, attached to Hanger, RatioBeam, and Load Cell frame.4. Adjust the Up/Down Stop Screw so the groove is half way above and below thestop tab. (Close it completely, then open it completely counting the turns, thenclose it half-way.)ScrewsholdingServiceFixture toHangerScrews connectingService Fixture to HangerScrews connecting Service Fixture toRatio Beam and Load Cell frameScrews connecting Service Fixture toRatio Beam and Load Cell frame