CHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESOhaus Corporation 3-6 Pioneer™ Balances Service Manual3.3.4 Servicing the Internal Calibration Mechanism6. Remove the screws and washersthat secure the InCal Motor.Note: Before reinstalling the InCalmechanism, be sure all of itscomponents are clean and free ofdebris. If the InCal Motor or its Camis defective, it must be replaced.Figure 3-12. InCal Motor removed from its assembly.3.3.5 Reassembling the Internal Calibration Mechanism1. Insert the InCal Motor’s cam in the hole of the InCal Motor Assembly Insert the fourscrews that hold the motor to the assembly and tighten them.2. Mount the InCal Motor Assembly in the Bottom Housing. Carefully place the motor’sribbon cable in the groove in the Housing, and thread it beside the RS 232 cablealong the outside of the Housing. Insert its plug in the PCB. Then insert and tightenthe screws that hold the assembly to the Housing.3. Position the Weight Lifter frame as in Figure 3-11, insert and tighten the screwsholding it to the Housing. (To reassemble Precision Load Cells, see Section 3.3.11.)4. After installing the Load Cell, place Weights in Weight Holders, and test the InCalmechanism: see Appendix C, Section C.5.1, Incal Weight Mechanism Testing.3.3.6 Disassembly of Precision Balances with InCal Mechanism1. Remove the Load Cell, asdescribed in Section Turn the Load Cell over,so the Weight Armassembly is visible.(See Figure 3-13.)Figure 3-13. Screws securing Weight Arm assembly.ScrewsholdingWeightArm