Table 3. Modem command list (continued)Command Description Syntax Values+GMR+GMR+GMR Request RevisionInformation+GMR+GMR+GMR+GSN+GSN+GSN Request Product SerialNumber Identification+GSN+GSN+GSN+GOI+GOI+GOI Request Global ObjectIdentification+GO+GO+GOIII+GC+GC+GCAPAPAP Request CompleteCapabilities List+GCAP+GCAP+GCAP+GCI+GCI+GCI Country of Installation +GC+GC+GCIII=y_code> y_code>8-bit country code. The value isthe hexadecimal.EEE Echo Command EEE[] 0: Disables command echo.1: Enables command echo.QQQ Quiet Results CodesControlQQQ[] 0: Enable result codes to theDTE.1: Disable result codes to theDTE.VVV Result Code Form VVV[] 0: Enables short-form resultcodes.1: Enables long-form resultcodes.WWW ConnectMessageControl WWW[] 0: Upon connection, the modemreports only the DTE speed.Subsequent responses aredisabled.1: Upon connection, the modemreports the line speed, theerror correction protocol, andthe DTE speed, respectively.Subsequent responses aredisabled.2: Upon connection, themodem reports the DCE speed.Subsequent responses aredisabled.3: Upon connection, the modemreports DCE speed and the errorcorrection protocol.Chapter 2. Using your computer 61