Table 3. Modem command list (continued)Command Description Syntax Valuesto the speed buffered normalmode.4: Select LAPM error-correctionmode and forces &Q5 (themodem will try to negotiate anerror corrected link). Failure tomake an LAPM error-correctionconnection result in the modemhanging up.5: Selects MNP error-correctionmode and forces &Q5 (themodem will try to negotiate anerror corrected link). Failure tomake an MNP error-correctionconnection results in the modemhanging up.&F&F&F Set to Factory DefinedConfiguration&F&F&F&T&T&T Local Analog LoopbackTest&T&T&T[] 0: Terminates test in progress.1: Initiates local analogloopback, V54 Loop 3. If aconnection exists when thiscommand is issued, the modemhangs up. The CONNECT XXXXmessage is displayed up thestart of the test.III Request IdentificationInformationIII[] 0: Reports product code.1: Reports the latest significantbyte of the stored checksum indecimal.2: Reports OK.3: Reports identification codes.4: Reports product descriptionfrom the .INF file.5: Reports Country Codeparameter.6: Reports modem data pumpmodel and internal code revision.7: Reports modem data pumpmodel and internal code revision.8: Reports the date and the timeof the modem driver build.9: Reports Country.+GMI+GMI+GMI Request ManufacturerInformation+GMI+GMI+GMI+GMM+GMM+GMM Request ModelInformation+GMM+GMM+GMM60 User Guide