2 Operation and Features58 Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s GuideMemory list commands executionSince each channel runs independently, if one channel is executing commandsfrom its active memory list, the other channels will remain in idle state. When achannel is busy executing the active memory list commands, any command sentto this channel will be ignored by the instrument. There are two ways to executethe commands in the active memory list: through an external trigger or a remotetrigger command.Execute commands from memory list using an external triggerTo perform an external triggering, the U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unitmust be slotted into a U2781A chassis. Next, the channel needs to be configuredand armed. An external trigger pulse is sent to the backplane of the chassis totrigger the channel, and the channel will start to execute commands from thememory list (when trigger signal is received). If the channels are armed andtriggered at the same time, they will run in parallel.Example 1This example stores the source voltage and measure current commands into theactive memory list (memory list 1) for channel 1 and arms it.To perform the function above, follow the sequence below.a Select an active memory list.b Clear the content of the active memory list.c Store the “set voltage range” command into the active memory list.d Store the “set current range” command into the active memory list.e Store the “set current limit” command into the active memory list.f Store the “drive voltage” command into the active memory list.g Store the “set output on” command into the active memory list.h Store the “measure current” command into the active memory list.i Configure the trigger setting.j Arm the channel.