Operation and Features 2Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s Guide 51System-Related OperationThis section provides information on system-related topics such as executing aself-test, performing a self-calibration routine, and reading error conditions.Self-testTo perform the self-test, proceed as follows.Keysight Measurement Manager operationDisconnect all connections from the output terminals.Ensure that the output terminals are not connected to any loads. Turn on theU2722A/U2723A. On the application panel, select Tools > Sel f-Test.If the self-test fails, an error is recorded in the instrument error queue.Use the SYSTem:ERRor? query from the remote interface (see the KeysightU2722A/U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Units Programmer’s Reference).A list of the possible self- test errors is given on page 66.– If repair is required, contact a Keysight Service Center.– If all tests pass, you have a high confidence (~90%) that the instrument isoperational.Self-calibrationTo perform a self-calibration, proceed as follows.Keysight Measurement Manager operationDisconnect all connections from the output terminals.Unplug any cables connected to the U2722A/U2723A before performing theself-calibration to prevent the occurrence of process failure. On the applicationpanel, select Tools > Sel f-Calibration.NOTE The source must be powered-up for at least 45 minutes before performing theself-test and the self-calibration.