Operation and Features 2Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s Guide 55Memory ListThe U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unit contains an additional memorylist feature. Each channel in the U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unit isallocated two memory list, each capable of storing up to 200 commands andresults individually.Once the commands are loaded into the active memory and the list is executed,the stored commands at each memory point is executed while the measurementresults obtained are automatically stored at the result buffer.This eliminates several processes in the command execution, such as transferringcommands from your PC through a USB interface, checking the command syntax,and converting commands to the internal codes.As a result, the test measurement throughput is increased and the instrument isable to function as a fast test sequencer. Multiple settings can also beimplemented in a sweep.For example, the first few commands in the memory list may source current andmeasure voltage, the next few commands may source voltage and measurecurrent, and the last few commands may source voltage and measure currentagain but at a lower range.This allows customization for each sweep point with specific settings instead ofbeing tied to one set of settings for all sweep points.Since two memory lists are available for each channel, this allows two differenttest scripts to be stored and switched in a channel.Memory list configurationEach channel has two memory lists. When a memory list is selected, all parametersettings and operations will only be based on the active list until it is switched toanother list. The first command in the memory list is set as the start point and thelast command in the memory list is set as the end point by default. However, youcan specify a particular command to be the start point and another to be the endpoint. You may also set the number of times this range of commands is to beexecuted. The default loop set is 1 and the maximum loop number is 1000.