2 Operation and Features48 Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s GuideMaking measurementsThe U2722A/U2723A has an excellent output voltage and current measurementcapability. All the measurements are performed by digitizing the instantaneousoutput voltage or current for a defined number of samples and sample interval,storing the results in a buffer, and then calculating the measured result. Theprogrammable parameters include the number of samples and time intervalbetween each sample.Voltage and current measurementsTo measure the voltage or current for any output, use the following commands.MEAS:VOLT? (@)MEAS:CURR? (@)The result of MEAS:CURR? or MEAS:VOLT? is dependent on– NPLC setting for voltage or current(SENSe:VOLTage[:DC]:NPLCycles , (@1|2|3) orSENSe:CURRent[:DC]:NPLCycles , (@1|2|3)) where integer isfrom 0 to 255– line frequency selection (SYSTem:LFREQuency , (@1|2|3))prior to making the measurement– latency time from many executable levels in the PC.The maximum total time taken for measurements to complete if NPLC = 255 andLine Frequency = 50 Hz is calculated according to the following formula.NOTE There is a trade-off between the programmable parameters and the speed,accuracy, and stability of the measurements in the presence of noise.Aperture time = NPLCLine frequency= 25550 = 5.1 s