2 Operation and Features56 Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s GuideMemory list commands storing and restoringOnly 11 selected type of commands can be stored in the memory list. Table 2-1summarizes the type of commands that can be saved into the memory list.Commands in the memory list can be stored in and restored from the nonvolatilememory. When the U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unit is powered up,existing commands from the memory list is restored from the nonvolatile memoryautomatically.For more information, refer to the Keysight U2722A/U2723A USB Modular SourceMeasure Units Programmer’s Reference.NOTE After changing the measurement range command, a clamp command should beadded subsequently into the memory list.Table 2-1 Type of commands that can be saved into the memory listRemote SCPI command AMM commandequivalentDescription[SOURce:]MEMory:CURRent:LIMit CurrentLimit Set the current limit[SOURce:]MEMory:CURRent:MEASure MeasureCurrent Make a current measurement[SOURce:]MEMory:CURRent:SOURce SourceCurrent Set the drive current[SOURce:]MEMory:CURRent:RANGe CurrentRange Set the current range[SOURce:]MEMory:VOLTage:LIMit VoltageLimit Set the voltage limit[SOURce:]MEMory:VOLTage:MEASure MeasureVoltage Make a voltage measurement[SOURce:]MEMory:VOLTage:SOURce SourceVoltage Set the drive voltage[SOURce:]MEMory:VOLTage:RANGe VoltageRange Set the voltage range[SOURce:]MEMory:SOURce:DELay:AUTO AutoDelay Enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the auto delay mode[SOURce:]MEMory:SOURce:DELay GlobalDelay Set the global delay valueLocalDelay Set the local delay value[SOURce:]MEMory:OUTPut Output Enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the instrument output