1 Getting Started18 Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s GuideIntroductionThe Keysight U2722A/U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Units (SMU) canoperate as a standalone or modular unit when used in a chassis. The U2722A/U2723A has three outputs.The voltage range is –20 V to 20 V, whereas the maximum current output perchannel is 120 mA. The U2722A/U2723A is controlled remotely over a USBinterface via the Keysight Measurement Manager software. The U2722A/U2723Acan also be programmed using the provided drivers or via SCPI commands.The U2722A/U2723A has the following features.– voltage source or current source operation– measurement capability for low current down to nA levels– high resolution current setting for the low current range at 100 pAThe U2722A/U2723A has the following capabilities.– voltage and current programming/readback– programming syntax error detection– user calibration and self-test capabilityU2723A USB Modular Source Measure UnitThe U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unit has the following features andcapabilities in additional to the U2722A USB Modular Source Measure Unit:– embedded test script (able to support three channels with coherent sourceand measurement capabilities)– IV Curve application support in the Keysight Measurement Manager software– Increased (faster) rise/fall timeWARNING Floating the U2722A/U2723A output more than ±60 VDC from the chassispresents an electric shock hazard to the operator. Do not float the outputsmore than ±60 VDC when uninsulated sense wires are used to connect theOUTPUT+ to the SENSE+ and the OUTPUT– to the SENSE– terminals of theunit.