Operation and Features 2Keysight U2722A/U2723A User’s Guide 57Memory list delay setupGenerally, the duration spent at each command in the memory list only consistsof the time it takes to execute the commands. But for source commands, a sourcedelay may be included. The source delay is used to allow the source to settlebefore the measurement is made. The total time period of the source delay caninclude an auto delay and/or a user programmed delay.Total delay time = auto delay time + user programmed delay time.If auto delay is enabled, a certain duration of delay, which depends on the sourceand measurement range, is performed. Auto delay is used to ensure that there isenough rising time for the source to reach the specified level. Table 2-2 shows thetime delay set for each range when auto delay is enabled. There are two type ofuser programmable source delay: the global delay and single delay. When theglobal delay is added, all the subsequent source action will perform the same timeperiod of delay. When the single delay is added, only the next subsequent sourceaction will be affected while the other commands are not. When the global andsingle delay are used together, only the next subsequent source action for thesingle delay is affected by the single delay, while the other source actions will takeeffect from the global delay.NOTE You can use these programmable delays to perform an even or uneven sweep.Table 2-2 Time delay set for each range when auto delay is enabledI-rangeAuto delay (ms)Source V Source I2 V range 20 V range 2 V range 20 V range1 μA 10 10 20 2010 μA 4 4 20 20100 μA 0.8 0.8 20 201 mA 0.5 0.5 1 110 mA 0.5 0.5 1 1120 mA 0.5 0.5 1 1