H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 2/24/2015 15Section 1: General DescriptionThis chapter provides a general description of the H-S81-HS control panel, listing the system’smain technical features.1.1 Architecture of the SystemThe H-S81-HS control panel is a high technology product created for controlling safety-related sys-tems and equipment. It is characterized by easy configuration and programming, combined withexcellent reliability and system diagnosis. The H-S81-HS is similar to a “safety PLC” and can beconfigured and programmed for carrying out integrated safety functions including fire prevention,gas detection, burglar alarm and technological control in compliance with applicable standards. TheH-S81-HS can also interact with other control panels of the same type and with supervisory sys-tems via both standard and proprietary protocols such as TCP/IP Ethernet, Modbus RTU, or OPCServer.Each system includes a power supply set, a processing unit (which is also the user interface), andthe I/O modules controlling field devices. Both the processing unit and the I/O modules are locatedon 19 inch racks. There are two ways of connecting modules and field devices:• The first solution consists in the use of termination modules equipped with a terminal blockallowing to connect the cables from field device. In this case, I/O modules are connected to thetermination modules by using a 20 way flat cable. The termination module type and therelevant connections depend on the type of module to be terminated.• The second solution consists in the use of multi-polar cables directly connected to bus backthrough a DIN41618 connector. This solution allows for a redundant module termination. Italso allows for the termination of high current output modules, which is not possible byadopting the first solution (S81-F5004).The H-S81-HS system has a modular structure. The processing rack includes two CPUs and anoperator interface panel. Each CPU can be connected to a maximum of 10 racks, with up to 13 I/Omodules each, for a total amount of 130 modules. I/O modules can be installed on the racks withoutany limitations, according to the requirements of the specific system under consideration.Figure 1.1 System Architecture