134 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 2/24/2015Operating Instructions Operations at Access Level 1This page shows:• The total number of alarmed zones• The name and number of the first alarmed zone• The name and number of the first sensor of the alarmed zone.• The current number and the total number of alarmed zone sensors.The complete list of alarmed sensors can be viewed by using the Scroll button.7.4.4 Overview of Zones with Active Fire Pre-alarmsThe overview of zones with active fire pre-alarm is the same as that of the zones with active firealarms.7.4.5 Overview of Zones Under Supervisory ConditionThe overview of the zones under “supervisory” condition is the same as that of the zones withactive fire alarms.7.4.6 Overview of Zones with Active Gas AlarmThe overview of the zones with active gas alarms is the same as that of the zones with active firealarms.7.4.7 Overview of Trouble ZonesThe overview of the trouble zones is the same as that of the zones with active fire alarms.7.4.8 Overview of System FaultsIn case of one or more system faults, the following page will be displayed.In case of several different events, the sequence of all event pages can be seen by pressing Esc. Inall cases, after one minute of idle time, the system will display the page with the alarms with higherpriority. During this stage, any new events having higher priority will be immediately shown on thedisplay. The presence of events with lower priority will be signaled as shown in the picture below.Figure 7.6 System Faults