CLI Command ReferencesnapshotMakito X User’s Guide, v2.2, Issue 02 341snapshotNOTE Snapshot Capture is an optional feature which may be disabled at the factory. Thefollowing section is only applicable if snapshots are enabled.S YNOPSISsnapshot ID take [format=value] [filename= [overwrite=yes,no]][quality=value]snapshot set [format=value] [quality=value] [maxsize=value] [location=value] [thumbnail=on,off] [overwrite=yes,no]snapshot getsnapshot listsnapshot delete [, all]DESCRIPTIONThe snapshot command is used to take and manage snapshots from the video received onany input port. You can save the snapshots in JPEG or YUV format. Also, when saving inJPEG format, you can specify the compression ratio to determine the image quality.You can also specify the location where the snapshot is stored. Snapshots can be stored ona mounted SSD, SD, USB or NFS media, or within the on-board NAND flash.When taking a snapshot of the current video input, the filename is optional. If none is spec-ified, a unique name will be generated based on the current time if NTP is enabled, or asimple index such as snap-1.jpg if NTP is not enabled.To overwrite an existing file, use the overwrite=yes option and specify the filename whencapturing the snapshot.You can specify different formats and quality per snapshot in the snapshot takecommand. You can also set system-wide defaults for the preferred snapshot format andquality via the snapshot set command.TIP Thumbnail generation can be disabled to speed up snapshot acquisition and storagetime.ID is used to select the video input on dual channel encoders (either 0 for BNC-1 or 1 forBNC-2 on #S/B-292E-HDSDI2).ID is optional on single input encoders such as the #S/B-292E-HDSDI1 and the #S/B-292E-DVI. If entered, only 0 will be accepted.