CLI Command ReferenceipconfigMakito X User’s Guide, v2.2, Issue 02 286ipconfigS YNOPSISipconfig displayipconfig configureipconfig renewipconfig releaseDESCRIPTIONThe ipconfig command is used to set and view the parameters that specify the networkingcontext for the Makito X, including the IP settings, hostname, and DNS. It may also be usedto set the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server address and Time Zone.As shown in the examples that follow, when you enter the ipconfig configure command,the system displays the current IP settings and takes you through a series of promptsenabling you to change the IP settings, optionally enable DHCP, and change the hostname,DNS settings, NTP settings, and/or Time Zone setting.When DHCP is enabled, you can configure the DHCP Vendor Class ID (option 60), whichis set by default to “Haivision Makito X Encoder”. This allows IT departments to identifyMakito X devices on their networks.NOTE Enabling the Multicast DNS (mDNS) protocol allows the Safari Web browser (orother mDNS application) to automatically find the encoder. In Safari, navigate toBookmarks and then select Bonjour to see the Makito X listed.You must reboot for any changes to take effect.A CTIONSdisplay Displays the current IP configuration.configure Configures IP settings.renew Renews DHCP address lease.release Releases current DHCP address lease.