CLI Command ReferencepackageMakito X User’s Guide, v2.2, Issue 02 320EXAMPLE #1: PACKAGE DOWNLOAD AND I NSTALLATIONEXAMPLE #2: PACKAGE DOWNLOAD VERIFICATION F AILUREA CTIONS$ package download makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.hai mytftp.example.com1/5) Temporarly pausing encoder(s)...2/5) Downloading package makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.hai Verifying integrity of downloaded package... Package verifiedsuccessfully.4/5) Synching file system...5/5) Resuming encoder(s)...Package downloaded successfully.$ package install makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.haiPackage makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.hai will be installed on next boot sequence.You must REBOOT to complete the update process!$$ package download makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.hai mytftp.example.com1/5) Temporarly pausing encoder(s)...2/5) Downloading package makitox_enc_v1.0.0-39.hai Verifying integrity of downloaded package... Package verification failed!Try downloading the package again.$list Displays a list of downloaded Displays information about the currently installed package.If a filename is specified, displays information about the package.verify Verifies the authenticity and integrity of the specified package.install Installs the specified package. The package will be automaticallyverified before Downloads the specified package file using TFTP and thenverifies it.delete Deletes a previously downloaded package file.You can specify the package file or all.cancel Cancels installation of a package scheduled for the next reboot.