GPS 72H Owner’s Manual AppendixPowerBatteries: Two 1.5-volt AA batteries1Source: 8–35V DCFuse: AGC/3AG - 2.0 Amp1 The temperature rating for the GPS 72Hmay exceed the usable range of somebatteries. Alkaline batteries can rupture athigh temperatures. Alkaline batteries losea significant amount of their capacityas temperature decreases. Use lithiumbatteries when operating the GPS 72H inbelow-freezing conditions. Extensive useof screen backlighting will significantlyreduce battery life.AccuracyGPS: <33 ft. (10 m) 95% typical** Subject to accuracy degradation to100m 2DRMS under the U.S. DoDimposed Selective Availability (SA)Program when activated.DGPS: 10 ft. (3 m) 95% typical** Wide Area Augmentation System(WAAS) accuracy in North America.Velocity: 0.1 meter/sec steady stateInterfaces: Garmin Proprietary (USB)Data Storage Life: Indefinite; nomemory battery required