Oven racksandconvectionroasting rackClean the oven racks and the convectionroasting rack with an abrasive cleanser or steelwool. After cleaning, rinse the racks and rackwith clean water and dry with a clean cloth.NOTES:• The oven racks and convection roasting rack may becleaned in the self-cleaning oven. However, the rackswill darken in color, lose their luster and becomehard to slide if cleaned during the self-cleaningcycle. You can wipe the rack supports with cookingoil after self-cleaning to make the racks slide moreeasily.• On double wall ovens, the rack design is unique forthe upper Trivection™ oven. Due to this, the upperoven racks and the lower oven racks are notinterchangeable.Roasting rackOven heatingelementsDo not clean the broil element. Any soil willburn off when the element is heated.To clean the area below the bake element,gently lift the element and clean with warm,soapy water.Broiler pan& gridDo not clean the broiler pan or grid in aself-cleaning oven.After broiling, remove the broiler pan from theoven. Remove the grid from the pan. Carefullypour out the grease from the pan into a propercontainer.Wash and rinse the broiler pan and grid in hotwater with a soap-filled or plastic scouring pad.If food has burned on, sprinkle the grid withdetergent while hot and cover with wet papertowels or a dishcloth. Soaking the pan willremove burned-on foods.Both the broiler pan and grid may be cleanedwith a commercial oven cleaner.Both the broiler pan and grid can also becleaned in a dishwasher.Do not store a soiled broiler pan and grid anywherein the oven.Control panel If desired, the touch pads may be deactivated beforecleaning.See the Control lockout information in the Usingthe clock, timer and control lockout section in thismanual.Clean up splatters with a damp cloth.You may also use a glass cleaner.Remove heavier soil with warm soapy water.Do not use abrasives of any kind.Reactivate the touch pads after cleaning.After broiling, remove the broiler pan from the oven.39UpperTrivection™oven rackLower ovenrack