Protocol Settings 2-19Using a TCP/IP Network (Windows/UNIX)210 To use the DNS dynamic update function, select [On] in [DNSDynamic Update] ➞ specify the following item settings.In [DNS Host Name], enter the host name of this machine.Input Example : sales_printerIn [DNS Domain Name], enter the domain name of this machine.Input Example :• The DNS dynamic update function automatically registers the names specified in[DNS Host Name] and [DNS Domain Name] to the DNS server for the machine IPaddress.• When using this function, specify the DNS settings in step 10.• You can use this function in an environment with a DNS server that can performdynamic registration (dynamic DNS server).• If using LPR to specify the DNS Host Name and DNS Domain Name settings, youcan use the machine without specifying the IP address of the machine.11 Click [OK].The settings become valid after you reset the print server or restart the machine.To reset the print server, under [Device Manager], select [Network] ➞ click[Reset].The protocol settings are complete.Settings Using the FTP Client1 Start up the MS-DOS prompt or the Command prompt.If you are using UNIX, display the console screen.2 Execute the following command.ftp