Chapter 1010-2(As for deletion of certificate, see 'CA certificate'.)10.1.7 SOAP Communication Function 0017-6740iR2022i / iR2025 / iR2030 / iR2018 / iR2022 / iR2018iFollowing processings are enabled by use of SOAP communication (SSL client communication).Server authentication is performed by use of CA*1 certificate issued by VeriSign.In case the server certificate or CA certificate is expired, the device is not connected to UGW.*1: CA stands for Certificate Authority, which are the institutions which issue electronic certificate used in e-commerce etc.(1) Communication Test- Perform the communication test(2) Transmit all or a part of the following data based on the schedule information obtained from UGW.- Counter details data- Service mode counter- Parts counter- Mode counter- ROM version- Schedule information- Application debug log- Environment log (Device condition log)(3) In case of detecting jam, or alert/service call error from the device, transmit the following to UGW.- Transmission of alert code (transmit the counter information simultaneously)Transmit an alert code in case of a change in the status of the device.Main alert codes are toner LOW/OUT, jam, and door open.At error recovery, transmit again the data that indicates the recovery.- Transmission of jam log (transmit the counter information simultaneously)- Transmission of service call (Error code) log (transmit the counter information simultaneously)(4) Change of device schedule information- Check whether there is a processing to execute.- Update the schedule information.- Return the result of the operation.(5) Filtering reception from UGW- Alert filteringT-10-1Transmission Detail List:Transmission Detail / Process Detail Transmission Timing RemarksCommunication testcommunicatonTestEither at the time of execution of the service modeof the device or upon a request from UGW with'getOperationList'Counter details data collection/transmissionpostGlobalClickCountOnce every 16 hours. The detailed counter data for each paper sizesuch as Total.Service mode counter collection/transmissionpostSeviceModeCounterOnce every 16 hours. The counter data tied to the service modenumber. Mainly used for billing.Mode counter collection/transmissionpostModeCounterOnce every 16 hours. The counter data by operation mode.Parts counter collection/transmissionpostPartsCounterOnce every 16 hours. The counter data indicating the amount ofusage by part.ROM versionpostFirmwareInfoOnce every 7 days.Schedule information transmissionpostConfigurationOnce every 16 hours.Debug logpostDebugLogAt the time that the log has been accumulated5kbyteThe log data output by an application foranalyzing a malfunction.Alert codepostAlertAt the time of change in the device condition The data when a status change occurs.Jam logpostJamLogAt the time of jam occurrence Includes the jam code, date of occurrence,total counter at occurrence, paper feeding slot,and paper size.Service call logpostServiceCallLogAt the time of service call occurrence Includes the error code, error subcode, date ofoccurrence, total counter at occurrence, paperfeeding slot, and paper size.