Chapter 66-115) Select "#PRINT" using the + or - key, and then press the OK key.6) Select "#PRINT SW" using the + or - key, and hen press the OK key. Con-firm that the following message is displayed:Message: #PRINT SW 001 000000007) Press the following keys and confirm the message:# key > 1 key > 4 keyMessage: #PRINT SW 014 000000008) Position the cursor to Bit-1 (second from right) using the + or - key, andpress the 1 key, and then confirm the following message:Message: #PRINT SW 014 000000109) Press the OK key. Confirm that "SW 014" changes to "SW 015".Message: #PRINT SW 015 0000000010) Press the Reset key to exit the service mode.11) Close the front cover. The machine will run in the developer idling modefor about 1 minute.12) When the machine stops, the idling mode ends.Install, the toner bottle following the above-mentioned procedure.6.10.3 Transfer Charging Roller6.10.3.1 Removing the Transfer Charging Roller 0017-8561iR2022i / iR2025 / iR2030 / iR2018 / iR2022 / iR2018i1) Open the left door.2) Remove the transfer charging roller [1]F-6-21Do not touch the transfer charging roller surface.MEMO:The transfer charging roller bearing [1] could be the same shape as thefigure below. If so, detach the transfer charging roller towards the arrow [3]and [4]. Gear [5] will come off when detaching the transfer charging roller.Be careful not to lose the gear [5]. When attaching the transfer chargingroller, apply transfer charging roller D cut[6] to gear [5] D cut.[1][5][1][6][2][2][5][3][4]