69Adjusting the ExposureZebra PatternYou can display the zebra pattern to identify areas that might be overexposed, so you can correct the exposureappropriately. The camcorder offers two levels of zebra pattern: With 100%, only highlight areas that will losedetail will be identified, while 70% will identify also areas that are dangerously close to losing detail.1 Open the aperture, shutter speed, gain or exposure screen.[FUNC] > [ Aperture], [ Shutter Speed] or [ Gain] or [y Exposure Comp.]2 Select the desired zebra level.[ ] > [z 70%] or [{ 100%] > [X]• To return to the previous screen and change other settings, select [L] instead of [X].• The zebra pattern will appear on the overexposed areas of the picture.NOTESNOTES• Displaying the zebra pattern will not affect your recordings.