Exposure Adjustment661 Open the exposure adjustment screen.[FUNC.] [e Exposure]2 Touch a subject that appears inside the e frame.• The Touch AE mark (P) will flash and the exposure will be adjusted automatically so the area youtouched will be correctly exposed. You have the option to further adjust the exposure manually asnecessary. Depending on the subject, you may want to use the [Highlights] setting as describedbelow.• You can touch [y] instead to adjust the exposure manually without activating the Touch AEfunction.• The manual adjustment dial appears and the adjustment value is set at ±0.• Touch [y] again to return the camcorder to automatic exposure.3 Touch [y] or [A] or drag your finger along the dial to set the exposure adjustment value.• The adjustment range may vary depending on the initial brightness of the image, and somevalues may be grayed out.• Before touching [a], you can also use the zebra pattern (0 65) and waveform monitor (0 84).4 Touch [a] to lock the exposure at the selected value.• During exposure lock, e and the selected exposure adjustment value will appear on the screen.To adjust the Touch AE function for highlights (Highlight AE)Certain subjects, like clouds or white objects, are easily overexposed and can end up appearing asbright areas where all detail is lost. Using the [Highlights] setting, you can touch the brightest areainside the e frame and the camcorder will automatically make corrections so that area is notoverexposed. When you touch a dark area in the picture or the highlights are too bright, thecamcorder may not be able to correctly adjust the exposure.After step 1 above:1 Touch [5].2 Touch [Highlights] and then touch [f].• Touch [Normal] to return the camcorder to normal Touch AE settings.To use backlight correctionWhen recording in situations in which the subject is constantly backlit, you can use backlightcorrection make the entire picture brighter, especially dark areas. This will take precedence over the7 [Auto Backlight Correction] setting, which is useful in situations in which the subject is notconstantly backlit.1 Open the [ BLC Always On] screen.[FUNC.] [ BLC Always On]2 Touch [A On] and then touch [a].NOTES• If the recording program is changed during exposure lock, the camcorder will return to automaticexposure.• You can adjust the exposure value with the CUSTOM dial (0 90), which is set to [e Exposure] bydefault.