155E AdditionalInformationAppears as a warningto protect the tape andalso whencondensation isdetected. Remove thetape as soon aspossible after thecamcorder hasdisplayed the caution.Refer to p.90Refer to p.90, p.91 orp.93Appears when you tryto do audio dubbingor AV insert on a taperecorded in any modeother than SP mode( 95, 98).Appears when you tryto do audio dubbingon a tape recorded in16-bit audio or 12-bit,4-channel mode( 98).Appears when thecamcorder detects ablank section of a tapeduring audio dubbingor AV insert ( 95,98).CHECK THE CASSETTE[REC MODE]CHECK THE CASSETTE[AUDIO MODE]CHECK THE CASSETTE[BLANK]COPYRIGHT PROTECTEDDUBBING RESTRICTEDAppears each timeyou turn the poweron, until you set thetime zone, date andtime ( 53).Appears when thebattery pack isexhausted( 135).Appears when thetape has reached theend.Refer to p.18Appears when,during DV dubbing,the DV cable isdisconnected or thepower of the digitalequipment connectedto the camcorder isturned off.Refer to p.141SET THE TIME ZONE,DATE AND TIMECHANGE THE BATTERY PACKCHECK THE DV INPUTTAPE ENDTHE TAPE IS SET FORERASURE PREVENTIONCONDENSATIONHAS BEEN DETECTEDREMOVE THE CASSETTECOPYRIGHT PROTECTEDPLAYBACK IS RESTRICTEDThe camcorder displays various caution phrases — they appear for 4 secondsbefore disappearing.Caution phrasesDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals