COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 1-19CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONCUSTOMCOMMONSETTINGSCUSTOM COPYSETTINGSAE ADJUSTMENTAUDIBLE TONESDRAWER ELIGIBILITY FORAPS/ADSPAPER ICON SETTINGPRINTING PRIORITYENERGY SAVER MODEINCH ENTRYSET SYSTEM SETTINGPASSWORDDEPT. ID MANAGEMENTINITIALIZE CUSTOMCOMMON SETTINGSSTANDARD KEY 1,2 SETTINGAUTO ORIENTATIONAUTO COLLATEPHOTO MODESADF AUTO FEEDFIT IMAGE MODEADJUSTMENTJOB DURATION DISPLAYAUTO ORIGINALORIENTATION RECOGNITIONSTANDARD SETTINGSINITLALIZE CUSTOMCOMMON SETTINGSUse it to select an auto density adjustment method.(priority on speed*/priority on image quality)Use it to enable/disable the buzzer.(input sound, alarm sound, job end sound; ON*/OFF)Use it to set a drawer for auto drawer switching.(stack by pass: ON/OFF* ; drawers: ON*/OFF)Use it to select an icon for paper in the cassettes.(no factory setting)Use it to set priority on printing. (copier*/printer)Use it to change the level of same power mode.(-10%*, -25%, -50%, no recovery time)Use it to enable/disable inch input. (ON/OFF*)Use it to set an ID No. for system control. (4 digits)Use it to enable/disable ID control by group for ID No. orcount control. (enable/disable*)Use it to return the common settings to factory settings.(Yes/No)Use it to select preference keys for the Basic screen from themode keys on the Extension Mode screen or the memory keysfor the mode memory.Use it to enable/disable automatic rotation of images onselected paper based on the results of combination on originalsize and reproduction ratio.Use it to enable/disable switching the sorter to sort mode inresponse to placement of an original in the feeder. (ON*/OFF)Use it to enable/disable the use of film photo mode.(ON/OFF*)Use it to enable/disable auto copy start in response toplacement of an original in the feeder manual feed assembly.(ON*/OFF)Use it to change the ratio of reduction for fit-to-page mode.(93%; between 90% and 99%)Use it to enable/disable copy wait time display.(ON/OFF*)Use it to change the settings for auto detection of originalorientation.(initial setting: ON*/OFF; original type replacement: ON/OFF*; identified text: Japanese*/Western & Russian)Use it to change copying modes stored as standard modes.(Yes/No; at time of shipment, copy count at 1, auto paperselection at ON, density/image adjustment at Auto)Use it to return each copy settings item to factory settings.*Factory setting.D. User Mode