CHAPTER 6 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEM6-32 COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A.F. Controlling Separation Charging1. OutlineThe separation mechanism is controlled for the following:[1] DC bias constant current[2] AC bias constant current[3] output correction to suit the environment and deposit of toner (fuzzy control)[4] output correction upon detection of leakageFigure 6-313 shows the construction of the control system for the separation charging mecha-nism.Figure 6-313 Construction of the Control SystemDC controller PCBJ510A J723J722AC+DCJ741J742J721J73412345678910111213141516 123456789101112131415160 V24 VH24 VHHVDC-ENHVAC-EN24VPGNDGNDHVAC-CNTHVAC-ONSPDC-CNTPT/SP-ERRHVAC-CNTHigh-voltage DC PCB GNDGND1 2 3 4Relay PCB42112343551234512KV PP8KV PP3V 11V 12VHVAC-CNTThe AC bias voltage level variesaccording to the HVAC-CNT potential.Separationcharging wireHigh-voltage ACtransformerHigh-voltage ACPCBWhen '1', the high-voltageDC output is ready.500 μA3V 11V 12VSPDC-CNTThe level of the DC bias varied to suit theSPDC-CNT potential.When an overcurrentor an under current isdetected, '1'.A voltage input between 0 and 12 V, used to controlthe current level of the separation bias.When '1', high-voltage outputturns on.When '1',high-voltageAC output isready