CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION1-20 COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A.TIMERSETTINGSADJUSTMENT/CLEANINGIMAGESERVERCUSTOMSETTINGSDATE & TIME SETTINGAUTO SLEEP TIMEAUTO CLEAR TIMELOW-POWER MODE TIMETIME UNTIL UNIT QUIETSDOWNDAILY TIMER SETTINGSZOOM FINE ADJUSTMENTFEEDER CLEANINGWIRE CLEANINGDOUBLE STAPLE SPACEADJUSTMENTMAIL BOX REGISTRATIONHD MEMORY ASSIGNMENTUse it to set the current date and time.Use it to set the length of time taken to start sleep mode after opera-tion/turning off the control panel switch. (10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50,60*, 90 min or 2, 3, 4 hr)Use it to set the length of time taken to bring back the Basic screenon the touch panel after operation. (0 min; 1* to 9 min)Use it to set the length of time taken to start low power consumptionmode after operation. (10, 5*, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90 min; 2 to 40 hr)Use it to set the length of time taken to start silent mode after opera-tion. (0 min; 1* to 9 min)Use it to set the day of the week on which the control panel powerswitch is turned off. (Sun. to Sat.; 00:00 to 23:59; in 1-min incre-ments)Use it to fine-adjust if a discrepancy occurs in size between originaland copy images for vertical and horizontal ratios.Use it to remove dirt from the pickup roller assembly by movingcopy paper through the ADF.Use it to clean the wire of the charging assembly.Use it to adjust the interval of staples (2-point stapling) when theADF (accessory) is used. (40 to 150mm; 120mm*)Use it to set/sort the mailbox settings.Use it to set the size of the image server. (300 to 1700 MB;500MB*)*Factory settings.