COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 13-123CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTING1 Double FeedingStep1ActionReplace the separationroller.Replace the springused to pull theseparation roller.ChecksIs the separation roller deformed or worn?Yes/NoYESNOCauseSeparation rollerSpringB. Faulty Feeding2 WrinklesStep123456ActionCheck the pickupassembly. Check theregistration roller.The paper may bemoist. Advise the useron the correct methodof storing paper.Advise the user to userecommended paper.Clean it with solvent.Adjust the height.Adjust the pressure.Try replacing the upperand lower rollers oneafter the other.ChecksTurn off the power while copy paper ismoving through the feeding assembly. Atthis time, is the copy paper wrinkled? Oris it moving askew?Try paper fresh out of package. Is theproblem corrected?Try paper recommended by Canon. Is theproblem corrected?Is the paper guide soiled with toner orforeign matter?Is the height of the paper guideappropriate?Is the lower roller pressure (nip) asindicated?Yes/NoYESYESNOYESNONOYESCausePickupassemblyCopy paperPaperguideLowerrollerpressureUpper/lowerrollerpressureFixing assembly