CHAPTER 13 TROUBLESHOOTING13-258 COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A.B. ADF Self DiagnosisCode Cause• The communication cable between themachine and the copier is faulty.• The ADF controller PCB is faulty.• The belt motor (M2) is faulty.• The belt motor clock sensor (PI1) isfaulty.• The ADF controller PCB is faulty.• The delivery motor (M5) is faulty.• The delivery motor clock sensor (PI11)is faulty.• The ADF controller PCB is faulty.• The separation motor (M4) is faulty.• The separation motor clock sensor (PI2)is faulty.• The ADF controller PCB is faulty.• The pickup motor (M3) is faulty.• The pickup roller height sensor 1 (PI8)is faulty.• The pickup roller height sensor 2 (PI9)is faulty.• The pickup roller home position sensor(PI7) is faulty.• The ADF controller PCB is faulty.• The back-up data cannot be read, or thedata which has been read has an error.Description• The communication between the machineand the copier is disrupted for 5 sec ormore while the machine is in standby.• The communication between the machineand the copier is disrupted for 0.5 sec ormore while the ADF is in operation.• No clock signal is generated for 100msec while the belt motor drive signal isbeing generated.• No clock signal is generated for 200msec while the delivery motor drivesignal is being generated.• No lock signal is generated for 200 msecwhile the separation motor drive signal isbeing generated.• The pickup roller height sensor 1 (PI8)or 2 (PI9) does not generate a signalwithin 2 sec after the pickup motor hasbeen driven.• The pickup roller home position sensor(PI7) does not generate a signal within 2sec after the pickup motor has beendriven.• The back-up data cannot be read (twice)when the copier is turned on, or the datawhich has been read contains an error.E400E402E404E405E410E420Caution:If the self-diagnosis mechanism has turned on, you can reset the copier by turning off thepower switch once.You may continue to make copies when the ADF is out of order: disconnect the lattice con-nector on the ADF side, open the ADF, and place an original on the copyboard glass.