COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 7-33CHAPTER 7 PICK-UP/FEEDING SYSTEM2. OperationsThe horizontal registration sensor moves to the start position (A4 detection position) when themain power switch is turned on or the front cover is closed, and moves to a detection position to suitthe size of paper expected in the lower feeding assembly. Its position of detection is "paper width +2 mm."The paper detection mechanism starts when paper moved to the lower feeding assembly hasmoved past the confluence sensor (PI 15) and has been moved over a specific distance (about 10mm past the horizontal registration sensor).The position of paper is detected with reference to the start position and by finding out thedifference between the start position and the actual paper position from the number of drive pulses(1 pulse = about 0.16 mm) of the motor.Figure 7-408 Horizontal Registration DetectionMain power switch ONDuplexing reversalmotor (M11)Horizontal registrationmotor (M15)Horizontal registrationsensor (PS18)Post-confluencesensor (PS15)Lower feeding middleclutch (CL16)Lower feeding rearclutch (CL17)