84 • Additional InformationCondensationMoving the camcorder rapidly betweenhot and cold temperatures may causecondensation (water droplets) to formon its internal surfaces. Stop using thecamcorder if condensation is detected.Continued use may damage thecamcorder.Condensation may form in the followingcases:• When the camcorder is moved quicklyfrom cold to warm places• When the camcorder is left in a humidroom• When a cold room is heated rapidly• Do not expose the camcorder tosudden or extreme changes intemperature.• Remove the disc and memory cardand the camcorder in an airtightplastic bag. Let the camcorder adjustto temperature changes slowly beforeremoving it from the bag.• If a disc is loaded, remove the discimmediately and leave the disc coveropen. Leaving the disc in thecamcorder may damage it.• A disc cannot be loaded whencondensation is detected.The precise time required for waterdroplets to evaporate will varydepending on the location and weatherconditions. As a general rule, wait for2 hours before resuming use of thecamcorder.Using the Camcorder AbroadPower SourcesYou can use the compact power adapterto operate the camcorder and chargebattery packs in any country with powersupply between 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Consult a Canon Service Centerfor information on plug adapters foroverseas use.Playback on a TV ScreenYou can only play back your recordingson TVs compatible with the NTSCsystem. NTSC is used in the followingregions/countries:Americas: All of North America andCentral America; most Caribbeanislands (except in French territories likeGuadeloupe and Martinique); most ofSouth America (except in Argentina,Brazil and Uruguay). Asia: Only inJapan, the Philippines, South Korea,Taiwan and Myanmar. Oceania: USterritories (Guam, American Samoa,etc.) and some Pacific islands likeMicronesia, Samoa and Tonga.TO AVOID CONDENSATIONWHEN CONDENSATION IS DETECTEDR ESUMING USE